Martha Fernandez, a new volunteer with Coming of Age, hand-made 40 hats and donated them to the Travis County Community Center at Oak Hill.  

Martha loves to crochet  in her free time and especially loves to make things for the members of our community who need them most.  When Martha found out there was a need for warm hats this winter, she got right to work crocheting.   

Jane Prince-Maclean, the Administrator of the Oak Hill Community Center said “ The center will use these warm beautiful hats to distribute at the Oak Hill Alliance Freeze Shelter to guests who need a warm place to come to this winter on our coldest nights of the season.”  Guests at the freeze shelter will be able to get a warm meal, hot shower, hot meal, and a safe warm place to sleep for the night.  And now, they can choose a beautiful new hat, made with love by one of the volunteers with Coming of Age.

Thank you Martha and welcome to Coming of Age!