Lifetime Connections Without Walls is a telephone activities program that provides opportunities for older adults to connect with others in their community and across the country. We offer social and educational sessions, support groups, and friendly conversation all from the comfort of home. We are a program of Family Eldercare, a nonprofit agency serving older adults and adults with disabilities in Austin, Texas. 

How does it work? 

They use a telephone conference system to conduct the sessions. The system will automatically call you for the sessions you register for. All you need is a phone to participate.  They create four program schedules per year (winter, spring, summer, fall). Each quarterly schedule includes about 30 sessions facilitated by volunteers and community partners. There is no cost to participate in you have limited income and live in Travis or Williamson County, Texas. Otherwise, there is a small registration fee of $10 per quarter which allows you to register for unlimited sessions. **This fee will be waived during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak to make our program more accessible.**

How to register

Please complete theregistration form for the winter term, January 4 – April 2 and return by mail, email, or call (512) 968-3981 with your registration.  You may register at any time. Registration is open year-round. You do not have to live in Austin, Texas to register. Registration is open to older adults in the U.S.  

Volunteer virtually

From facilitating sessions to calling participants to remind them about sessions, volunteers are vital to Lifetime Connections Without Walls. Best of all, you can volunteer virtually! All you need is a computer and a phone. For more information about volunteering, contact (512) 628-0654 or [email protected].