February is African American History Month and a time for recognizing and celebrating the role of African Americans in our U.S. history. 

Locally, we’d like to celebrate the contributions of former Commissioner Ron Davis, who passed away on February 2, 2021. Commissioner Davis served on the Travis County Commissoner’s Court for 18 years and was a supporter of Coming of Age/RSVP and older adults in the community. 

Davis was first elected to represent Precinct 1, which covers northeastern Travis County, in 1998. On the Commissioners Court, Davis was known as a steadfast advocate for Black and Hispanic communities in East Austin until his retirement in 2017. 

Former Travis County Judge, Sarah Eckhardt said,   “Ron Davis used his thundering voice to advocate, to elevate, to inspire and to hold power accountable. He always knew where his constituents stood on every issue.”