Teddy Ellis represents the very best qualities desired in a volunteer and leads by example. She assists with Drive A Senior ATX (DASATX) and happily assists clients with transportation, shopping excursions and more! She supports fundraising efforts and provides encouragement for all those she interacts with.  

Teddy took command of the DASATX van program getting it off the starting blocks and into full operational mode. She worked closely with their office and helped build the program into a success. Her guidance and caring have kept them working diligently toward the goals set in the early days. In January of 2020, the maiden van voyage was launched with Teddy at the helm. Her leadership and guidance continues to make this program a success, although COVID restrictions have required them to modify the van program due to social distancing.  

Teddy refused to slow down even during the COVID-19 pandemic. Her commitment to her clients continues, although she has made sure that all of her clients feel save when transporting them. She has taken steps to make sure her clients can still make it to necessary appointments and run errands. She has volunteered 441.50 hours, driven 5,038 mile, completed 329 trips and transported 93 clients from April of 2020 to March of 2021. She has also called clients on a regular basis throughout  the pandemic to see how she could help them and provided them with assistance related to vaccinations and other COVID 19 and Texas Winter Storm resources since April of 2020.

Teddy’s connection to her clients is beyond the norm. She keeps her finger on the pulse of her less fortunate clients and makes sure they find help with necessities or services from other agencies whenever possible. She does not abide suffering if she can possibly help abate it. Teddy has taken the initiative to find answers and address concerns from clients who are too embarrassed to request services themselves.

Teddy is a gift to RSVP, Drive a Senior ATX and older adults who live independently. We are grateful to have her in our program.