The Diabetes Self-Management workshop is for people with type 2 diabetes and their caregivers. This is a 6 week workshop. The program is highly interactive focusing on building skills, sharing experiences and support.


Workshop Topics:

Techniques to deal with symptoms of diabetes, such as fatigue, pain, hyper-and hypoglycemia, stress, and emotional problems such as depression, anger and healthy eating.


Topics Include:

  • Appropriate exercise for maintaining and improving strength and endurance
  • How to use glucose monitoring in order to make day to day decisions and to manage sick days
  • Healthy eating
  • Better breathing techniques
  • Appropriate use of medication
  • Working more effectively with health care providers
  • Recommended tests for prevention or delay of complications
  • Proper foot care
  • Action-planning, problem-solving, decision-making.


Dates:  Wednesdays, April 16- May 21, 2025

Time:  10:00 am – 12:30 pm


Limited to 12 participants



To REGISTER, please contact: Jessica Martone [email protected], 737-356-8620.