About engagetraviscounty

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So far engagetraviscounty has created 128 blog entries.

Ageism Awareness Day

engAGE Travis County and the American Society on Aging will celebrate Ageism Awareness Day on Oct. 7, 2023. Modeled after the United Nation’s International Day of Older Persons (Oct. 1), Ageism Awareness Day provides an opportunity to draw attention to the existence and impact of ageism in our society. “We live in an aging society,

Thank You for Your Support for the Help Kids Bloom, Supply the Classroom Project

Thank You to everyone who donated school supplies for our 9/11 Day of Service Project, Help Kids Bloom, Supply the Classroom. With your generosity, we collected 239 items totaling $1,961.53! All supplies were collected and delivered to Caldwell Elementary School, Barrington Elementary School and Govalle Elementary School. Thank you to everyone who supported this wonderful

Help Kids Bloom, Supply the Classroom, 9/11 Day of Service Project

Help Kids Bloom, Supply the Classroom, 9/11 Day of Service Project engAGE Travis County's, "Help Kids Bloom, Supply the Classroom"  9/11 Day of Service project will help collect supplies for three local Title 1 schools in Travis County (Caldwell Elementary, Barrington Elementary, and Govalle Elementary).   engAGE will collect new Nap Mats (Kinder mats), peanut-free

Helpful Resources for Seniors

Helpful websites and Austin area resources for seniors: National Vial of Life Project - The Vial of Life Project is a smart way to have your medical information organized and on-hand for first responders in the event of an emergency. www.vialoflife.org Area Agency on Aging of the Capital Area - www.aaacap.org - Is a trusted

MLK Day of Service Project

The engAGE Travis County "Warm Hands, Warm Hearts" project, collected new/hand-made/never worn gloves, mittens and hats to distribute to those in need. Thank you to everyone who donated via our Amazon wish list and our collection bins. We collected 200 items to distribute.  Diane Holloway with Sunrise Community Center, accepting collected hats and gloves from

Emergency Preparedness Pop-Up

Make emergency preparedness your superpower! The City of Austin’s is hosting monthly Emergency Preparedness Pop-Up events in each of Austin’s 10 City Council Districts throughout 2023. These events are open to the public and designed to help equip Austinites with the information, tools and resources needed to prepare before an emergency. The first 50 guests

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